
Verify Individuals and Businesses from

Combine identity verification, fraud protection and compliance in one single platform, allowing you to expand globally hassle free.
Our Customers
Stenn Logo
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40Seas Logo
Onramp logo
Rio Logo
Ebanx logo
d-local Logo
Klasha Logo
Remitee Logo
Noba logo
Stenn Logo
Carbon logo
40Seas Logo
Onramp logo
Rio Logo
Ebanx logo
d-local Logo
Klasha Logo
Remitee Logo
Noba logo
Stenn Logo
Carbon logo
40Seas Logo
Onramp logo
Rio Logo
Ebanx logo
d-local Logo
Klasha Logo
Remitee Logo
Noba logo
Future proof your onboarding

Scale globally, quickly & reliably

AiPrise Inetegration

One integration, multiple partners

Connect with local identity vendors through one powerful API, layering up your defenses, coverage and reliability.
AiPrise Customizable Flow

Customizable onboarding flow

Build the right onboarding experience, boosting growth while meeting cross-border compliance requirements.
AiPrise Decisioning

Risk based decisioning

Take charge of your fraud engine, curating rules to deter fraud while creating a seamless experience for the legitimate.
AiPrise 100+ Data Sources
Data Sources
AiPrise 500M+ Verified Businesses
Verifiable Businesses
AiPrise 5B+ Verified Users
Verifiable Users
AiPrise 200 Countries Covered
Countries Covered
Know Your Business (KYB)

Be in business with verified businesses

Global registry information

Validate business information against publicly available legal entity data

UBO & stakeholder verification

Go beyond the minimum, verify and screen all officers of the business

Social signals

Build a complete risk profile of the business using website, and other social media signals
Aiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified Image
Aiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified ImageAiprise Verified Image
Our Partners
Know Your Customer (KYC)

Build trust with trusted users

One Click KYC

Unlock the next generation of KYC - using just an ID number and a selfie

Global coverage, with local documents

Extend KYC to local ID cards, beyond the traditional DL and passports.

Enhanced fraud checks

Use advanced phone number insights, email and device intelligence checks to fight fraud.
AiPrise Trust ImageAiPrise Trust ImageAiPrise Trust ImageAiPrise Trust Image
Industries We Work With
AiPrise FinTech
AiPrise Remittance Platforms
Remittance Platforms
AiPrise Crypto Companies
Crypto Companies
AiPrise Marketplaces
AiPrise Payment Providers
Payment Providers
Case Management Tool

One view to view it all

Streamline compliance

Empower your team to make quick decisions through a unified dashboard across vendors.

Monitor and log audit trail

Stay one step ahead of all your regulatory obligations and requirements.

Generate reports

Easily export & share case data with your technology partners (Banks / BaaS / Fintechs)
AiPrise Dashboard

Customers Love AiPrise

We are backed by
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Hard Yaka Logo