
Understanding Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) in AML Compliance

By AiPrise
5, Sep 2024
7 min read

Think of a situation where high-ranking government officials use their position to divert public funds into personal accounts. This scenario highlights the potential risks associated with Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). Awareness of this situation is essential for your business as these individuals hold prominent public positions, making them more vulnerable to corruption and money laundering.

This article will explore the importance of understanding PEPs in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance. We'll discuss who is considered a PEP, their associated risks, and the best practices for identifying and managing AML PEP relationships.

Types of Politically Exposed Persons

There are three types of PEPs, and Understanding them is essential for effective Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance. Having a reliable AML compliance solution, such as AiPrise, can help your organization stay ahead of such complexities.

1. Domestic PEPs

It is a group of individuals holding government positions within their country. They include:

  • High-ranking Government Officials: Presidents, Prime Ministers, ministers, and deputies.
  • Senior Executives (Government Companies): CEOs, CFOs, and other top executives.
  • Members of the Legislature: Parliamentarians, senators, and assembly members.
  • Judiciary Officials: Judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement personnel.

2. Foreign PEPs

In this group, you can include PEPs who hold prominent public positions in foreign countries. This includes:

  • High-ranking government officials in foreign countries, similar to domestic PEPs.
  • Senior executives in foreign state-owned enterprises.
  • Members of foreign legislatures.
  • Foreign judiciary officials.

3. International PEPs

International PEPs are a group that holds top positions in international organizations. This includes:

  • It can be anyone, such as executive directors and senior officials in organizations like the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.
  • These PEPs can be members of international courts and tribunals.

Are you curious about how you can identify these influential figures? Let's dive in.

How can you Identify and Classify PEPs?

While the FATF has provided a generally accepted definition for PEPs, specific details and interpretation can vary by jurisdiction. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has provided guidance, but several countries have particular criteria for determining AML PEP.

  • To identify PEPs, businesses must consider having close relationships with their family members. These individuals may assist you in determining which powerful people are engaged in money laundering or corrupt activities.
  • PEPs may hold key positions in government, the judiciary, or state-owned enterprises. These positions can give them a lot of power and access to abuse the situation. Your businesses need to have robust procedures to identify individuals who hold these positions, domestically and internationally. Collaborating with providers like AiPrise also makes it possible to locate PEPs. 

Want to know how to spot these influential individuals? Let's break it down.

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and PEP Screening

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is part of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance. This process starts by collecting and verifying customer information to assess their risk profile and identify potential red flags. Through CDD, your business can locate PEPs and their associated risks. Integrating platforms like AiPrise into your compliance processes can streamline and strengthen your CDD efforts.

Reliable Documents and PEP Databases

Businesses must rely on reliable documents and PEP databases to identify PEPs, such as:

  • Government-issued Documents: Passports, driver's licenses, and national identity cards.
  • Proof of Address: Utility bills, bank statements, or rental agreements.
  • PEP Databases: Specialized databases containing information on PEPs from around the world.

EDD for High-Risk Transactions

If you want to know about a high-risk customer's transaction, use Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD). This process is different as it involves conducting additional checks and obtaining more detailed information to assess the risk of money laundering or corruption.

EDD measures may include:

  • Getting an additional source of funds information.
  • Conducting due diligence on beneficial owners.
  • Gathering additional information on the purpose of the transaction.
  • Reviewing the customer's transaction history.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Anti-money laundering (AML) regulations are compulsory for the identification and monitoring of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). Companies and financial institutions must follow these regulations and take appropriate measures to mitigate the risks associated with PEPs. Let's explore global regulations that address PEP identification:

Now, let's discuss the strategies to monitor PEPs.

Strategies for Effective PEP Monitoring

You can follow many strategies if your business wants to identify these individuals. One method is to find comprehensive and up-to-date PEP lists, which provide information on domestic and foreign PEPs, their family members, and close associates. There are several sources for obtaining PEP lists, including:

  • Government Agencies: Many governments maintain PEP lists so businesses can access them to find these people.
  • Commercial Databases: Several commercial databases maintain the list of PEP AML, including sanctions and adverse media.
  • International Organizations: Organizations like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the United Nations might publish PEP lists.

Your business may get access to comprehensive lists, but you need to customize them to meet your business's specific regional and organizational risk profiles. For example, a firm operating in a high-risk jurisdiction may need to monitor a wider range of PEPs than a firm operating in a low-risk jurisdiction.

PEP Checks and Monitoring

Once you identify the PEP lists, you must monitor them regularly. Regular monitoring made easy with automated solutions from AiPrise ensures you always use the most current information. Let's see how you can do that.

  • Update Lists: The list may change over time, so make sure that you are using the most current information.
  • Periodic Checks: Businesses should conduct periodic checks to identify new PEPs or changes in existing PEPs.
  • Monitoring Transactions: Financial institutions should monitor transactions involving PEPs to identify suspicious activity.
  • Reviewing Customer Information: Review customer information to ensure that PEP status is correct.

However, identifying and monitoring PEPs isn't without its challenges. Let's see them now. 

Challenges and Considerations

Identifying and monitoring the PEPs is challenging. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) provides clear guidance on how to find them, but the rules may vary in different countries, making it difficult for organizations functioning in multiple jurisdictions.

While analyzing the list, ensure it does not contain inaccurate or outdated information. Mistakenly flagging innocent individuals as PEPs can lead to severe consequences. To avoid this, your business can follow these rules:

  • Cross-reference Information: Compare PEP information from multiple sources to maintain its accuracy.
  • Quality Control Measures: Establish procedures for reviewing and updating PEP AML lists to ensure accuracy and up-to-dateness.
  • Advanced Analytics: Use data analytics techniques to identify inconsistencies and anomalies in PEP data.

AML regulations allow you to collect and process information about PEPs. Still, it is vital to comply with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulations restrict the collection, use, and storage of personal data. What can you do to balance these requirements?

  • Data Security Measures: Protect PEP data from unauthorized access or disclosure using strong security measures.
  • Get Consent: Ensure that your processing of their data for AML compliance aligns with the legal bases provided under applicable data protection laws.
  • Limit Data Retention: Retain PEP data only for as long as necessary to comply with AML requirements.
  • Regular Data Privacy Assessments: Evaluate the business's data privacy practices and identify areas for improvement.

How AiPrise Help You Find the PEPs?

Complying with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) may be challenging for your business, particularly dealing with Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). AiPrise makes this process easier and assists you in finding and handling PEPs, keeping your business safe from potential risks.

  • Global PEP Identification: AiPrise utilizes a broader network of 100+ data sources to identify Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) worldwide. Our tool checks global databases from 200 countries to ensure you align with AML rules by finding PEPs correctly.
  • Informed Risk Assessment: Our company employs risk-based decision-making to assess the risk level associated with each PEP. This will help you make informed decisions and take precautions to mitigate threats like corruption and money laundering.
  • Easy Onboarding Integration: With AiPrise, your business or financial institution can integrate PEP checks into your compliance processes through customizable onboarding flows. This ensures that every client or business partner goes through a detailed screening process, helping protect your company from the financial and reputational risks of PEPs.


AML PEPs are very powerful and possess high ranks in many areas, which poses a heightened risk of money laundering and corruption. Financial institutions and businesses can mitigate the risks by identifying and managing PEP relationships and contributing to a more secure financial system. With the help of robust AML programs and conducting thorough CDD, your business can fight against corruption and maintain the economic system's integrity.

AiPrise is a global leader in identity verification, offering a comprehensive solution for KYC and KYB compliance. Our advanced platform helps businesses streamline onboarding, mitigate risks, and improve operational efficiency. Want to learn how AiPrise can help your organization? Book your demo now for more details. 

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