
Understanding Ultimate Beneficial Owner Verification Guide

By AiPrise
3, Sep 2024
7 min read

What is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)?

The Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is a person who owns or controls a company, account, or transaction. This person may not be visible officially, but they are the ultimate power, whether through ownership stakes or voting rights. Legal guidelines typically define a UBO as possessing a certain ownership percentage, commonly set at 25% or more thresholds, though this can vary by jurisdiction.

Identifying the UBO is a must for combating money laundering and terrorist financing. That's where UBO verification comes in. It helps businesses be aware of who's pulling the strings, making it easier to stay compliant with regulations and maintain transparency. UBOs are not always the same as the company's directors or officers. In some cases, they may be a person who is behind the scenes, such as a family member or a nominee.

Why is UBO Verification Important?

Understanding this verification is vital for businesses to maintain rules, and it is one of the best tools for combating financial crimes in the business world.

  1. Preventing Financial Crimes: Businesses now use UBO verification as a tool to prevent financial crimes, such as money laundering and related offenses. Knowing owners helps institutions assess risk and comply with AML rules. Using AiPrise's verification tools can significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of this process.
  2. Promoting Transparency: Verifying UBO helps promote openness in a company's business. By identifying the person, a company provides valuable information to stakeholders, investors, and regulators. Building trust and confidence in the financial sector is a must, and revealing the UBO adds more fuel to transparency.
  3. Avoiding Shell Companies: Shell companies often conceal actual ownership, but UBO verification can help authorities identify and investigate these entities to prevent unlawful activities. A system like this helps reduce the risk of financial crimes and ensures the economic system's integrity.

So, how does legislation play a role in this process? Let's explore now.

Legislation for UBO Verification

Organizations operating globally must comply with the legal framework for UBO verification. Explore some of the legislation below. 

1. EU Legislation:

The European Union (EU) has established comprehensive regulations governing UBO verification through its 4th, 5th, and 6th Anti-Money Laundering Directives. It has established specific requirements for member states (EU members) to identify and report UBOs. AiPrise's solutions are designed to comply with stringent international standards, making global compliance easier for your organization.

2. US Legislation:

The United States Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has issued the Customer Due Diligence Rule, which is essential for financial institutions to find and verify UBOs of legal entities. The other law, the Corporate Transparency Act, has added new requirements for reporting beneficial ownership information.

3. International Standards:

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) developed international standards for identifying and verifying UBOs, which the G20 countries endorsed. The guide clearly explains how countries can implement UBO verification to prevent unlawful money-related crimes. By following these standards, countries can take a consistent and coordinated approach to financial crimes.

Now that we understand the importance and legal framework let's discuss how to identify and verify UBOs.

How do you Identify and Verify UBOs?

Businesses must follow steps to identify and verify UBOs to comply with legal requirements and mitigate risks. Let's see them now.

  • Collect Company Information: The first is to gather basic information about the company, such as registration number, name, address, type, and top management. Collecting these will help you set a foundation for further steps.
  • Analyze Ownership Structure: Learn about the company's ownership structure to know direct or indirect ownership stakes. This process may involve reviewing company documents, conducting searches in company registries, or consulting legal professionals.
  • Identify the UBO: After analyzing the ownership, find the ultimate beneficial owner(s) according to the criteria set. This process involves identifying individuals with a significant ownership stake or control over the company, such as a majority shareholder or a person with more voting rights.
  • KYC Checks: The last process is to conduct Know Your Customer (KYC) checks to verify the UBO's identity. Here, you can collect identification documents like passports or driver's licenses and conduct background checks to confirm the UBO's identity and address.

It is crucial to know if UBO verification is mandatory for your business. Let's check this out.

Is UBO Mandatory for Business?

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) verification is mandatory for business transactions in many countries. It is vital even if they don't appear on official records. Let's see an example now.

UBO Requirements in the US

The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) in the United States, along with the Customer Due Diligence (CDD) rule, requires financial institutions to identify and verify the beneficial owners (UBOs) of customers when opening accounts or conducting significant transactions.

Who Needs to Report UBOs?

The specific requirements may vary depending on the type of financial institution, but the following institutions are subject to UBO reporting:

  • Banks: Commercial banks, savings banks, and credit unions.
  • Insurance Companies: Life insurance companies, property and casualty insurance companies.
  • Investment Advisers: Registered investment advisers.
  • Broker-Dealers: Securities broker-dealers.
  • Money Transmitters: Businesses that transmit funds.

What if a Business does not Follow this rule?

Failure of non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including:

  • Fines
  • Civil Penalties
  • Criminal Penalties
  • Reputational Damage

Navigating through the requirements, you'll encounter challenges. Let's explore what these are and how you can overcome them.

The Challenges of UBO Verification

There are many challenges, but companies must monitor and update knowledge by conducting periodic reviews and following news reports to avoid this.

  • Complex Ownership Structures: Some companies have complex ownership structures, which may make it difficult to identify UBOs. This means that you may need more than one team to verify them in other jurisdictions. AiPrise's advanced technology can simplify these complexities, making UBO verification more transparent and straightforward.
  • Restricted Data Access: In some places, getting information about company ownership is difficult due to data privacy laws or limited access to public records.
  • Non-Compliance: Some businesses may ignore UBO requirements. This case may pose some challenges to financial institutions and regulators.

How can you manage these challenges?

  • Getting an automated tool is vital to streamlining the UBO verification process and reducing errors. A good tool can automate data collection, analysis, and reporting, which will assist businesses in complying with legal requirements.
  • Partnering with trusted third-party providers like AiPrise is good for getting accurate and up-to-date information on UBOs. With a wide database and expertise, these providers will help you avoid getting into trouble.
  • Train your staff on UBO procedures so that employees understand their responsibilities and will get the confidence to handle complex cases.

Let's talk about how technology can be your best friend in streamlining the UBO verification process.

UBO Verification: Technology and Tools

Technology improves things and improves the efficiency and accuracy of UBO verification processes.

1. Automation Benefits:

  • Speed: With the help of automation tools, a company can streamline the verification process, significantly reducing the time spent on details collection, analysis, and reporting information.
  • Reducing Errors: Automation reduces human errors and improves UBO verification accuracy.
  • Save Staff Time: By automating routine tasks, your staff may be able to focus on more important cases and other strategic activities.

2. KYC and AML Solutions:

  • Integrating the UBO process into KYC and AML will provide a more comprehensive approach to risk management. This will allow businesses to identify and assess risks associated with individuals and the companies they represent.

3. Blockchain Technology:

Blockchain technology can enhance transparency and the immutability of ownership records, whether on public or private ledgers, making it more difficult to alter or obscure data. This can be especially helpful when data access is limited or data integrity is a worry.

Cost and Efficiency Considerations

Identifying the cost and efficiency of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is a must-have job for companies in allocating resources and complying with regulations.

While assessing, you may understand that the costs associated with UBO differ depending on the jurisdiction. Factors like the registry size, the level of detail required, and the fees charged by regulatory bodies also affect the overall cost.

Authentic and efficient data is required for UBO verification. Simplified processes, such as providing online access to registries and standardizing data formats, can reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Better maintain a centralized, single, and reliable source of information registry for verification. This will save time and effort when collecting data from multiple sources and improve the accuracy and consistency of UBO information.


UBO verification is critical in fighting financial crimes and is a cornerstone of transparency in business dealings. Refine your process to ensure the integrity of the financial system is maintained. Technology plays a significant role in maintaining verification requirements, so experiment with new tools and practices to address emerging challenges.

UBO verification is a top priority, so you may need support from experts like AiPrise, who provide comprehensive solutions that streamline the process, reduce errors, and ensure compliance. With our advanced technology and global reach, AiPrise empowers businesses to identify and verify UBOs, mitigating risks and promoting transparency. Book a demo with AiPrise to learn more about UBO verification.

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